I’ve been thinking about goals a lot, lately. I found out the other day that my 18 year old cousin, a very intelligent, hardworking kid, has decided to take a “gap year” before college. He’s going to South Africa to work with orphan baboons. Yup. You read that right. His choice is actually listed as one of the Top 10 Most Unusual Gap Year Programs. Go figure.
At W4YM, in an effort to encourage teens to take their focus off the pressures about sex, and that “everybody’s doing it” mentality, we try to encourage students to pursue goals they set for themselves – academically, relationally, or experientially. We know that helping them set and reach goals refocuses them, and encourages the discipline of delayed gratification, which may ultimately help them save sex for marriage.
Perhaps you parents, or some of you teachers out there, know of a teen who is a little lost in the “future goals” area. He’s not sure what kind of degree he wants, she’s not sure if she’s even ready for college right now. Maybe a gap year or a 2-year degree is what your teen needs.