Once, at a social function, I found myself telling the woman next to me about how I had this great job talking to teens about sex. She gasped, grabbed my arm, and told me she had just intercepted a letter from a girl her middle school son barely knew, in which the girl offered to lose her virginity with him. Naturally, she told her son “Don’t do it.” “Did you say anything else?” I queried. “Not really” was her reply, as she explained that she wasn’t sure how to handle the conversation. We were able to talk a bit more about how prepare for this new phase of her teen’s life, and she signed up for our parent newsletter, which she has found helpful.
For all those moments in life when you find yourself facing a new parenting challenge, don’t you wish you had a group of fellow-travelers to discuss these things with? Our monthly Parent Connection group, which I (Tori Libby) lead, meets over a different topic each month, and provides a chance to both learn and share our current challenges. We had both men and women at our first meeting, and we welcome YOU to join us any time! Our next meetings will be July 27 and August 31. Go to TalkDupage.com, and you’ll find more information under “Upcoming events.”