Teen Decision’s proven program design approaches the topic of teen relationships as a part of Social Emotional Learning. Our educators do include medically accurate information about sexual risks, but don’t stop there. Each educator relates the information to real life and engages students in practical discussions to help apply the information. Facts are presented alongside strategies to help teens have healthier relationships so that lessons go beyond “the birds and the bees” that they received somewhere around 5th grade. The emphasis on healthy relationships that sets Teen Decision apart makes the program beneficial to students at all stages of development.
“In the beginning I was a stubborn teenager looking for any attention I could get from any guy, but then you started talking about being respected…and it suddenly hit me hard. I had many on and off relationships with guys where I was blind to seeing that they were just using me. I’ve always wanted to find the right guy, and you showed me how.” – Sophomore Program Participant
What is your main message?
Teen Decision’s main message is that the healthiest relationships form when you know someone before you trust them; trust someone before you rely on them; make sure someone is reliable before you commit to them; and establish commitment before you enter into a physical relationship. Teen Decision also teaches teens to abstain from sexual activity as the primary way to avoid teen pregnancy and STDs, following the CDC’s advice that “Abstinence from [all sexual activity] is the only 100% effective way to prevent HIV, other STDs and pregnancy.” Our program fits well into almost any broader health curriculum, allowing each partnering organization to craft a message appropriate for their youth. If you have specific questions about our messaging, please contact the director at info@teendecision.org.