Fast Facts on Teen Sex

When we think of the consequences of teen pregnancy, or getting an STD, or the pain of a breakup, as parents we shudder.  It’s perhaps our greatest fear that our precious children will have to deal with such “adult” things.   Recently, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy reported that while most measures of teens’ sexual behavior (like teen pregnancy) declined between 1991 and 2007, in the past two years progress has stalled. The authors wrote that:

  • Nearly half of all teens have ever had sex. Between 2007 and 2009 the proportion of students who ever had sex essentially remained unchange.  [Note: reputable studies put this figure at between 42 and 46 percent].
  • More than one-third are sexually active–that is, they have had sex in the past three months.
  • More than 1 in 20 teens were younger than 13 when they first had sex.

We already know from the U.S. Center for Disease Control that as much as 40 percent of all teens have gotten an STD.

 A couple weeks ago, Amplify held its first Parent support meeting.  We had a great time sharing challenges, discussing strategies, and getting information on how to manage some of the concerns…both big and small…that we face as parents of teens.   Check out our website,, and you’ll find a wealth of information, as well as a notice about our upcoming meeting on July 27.  Hope to see some of you there.